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Travis Perry

Fighting Depression and Suicide

For the Love of Travis was founded in 2016 after the loss of an outstanding young man, Travis Perry.


For the Love of Travis is a 501(c)(3) non-profit  focused on the areas of depression and suicide prevention, including, but not limited to, diagnosis, education, research and treatment, with an emphasis on adolescents.

Suicide has claimed more lives in the United States in recent years than automobile accidents.  Suicide rates continue to increase. Reducing suicide is a goal that requires multiple approaches. Research continues to find ways to identify those most at risk by genetic testing, neuroimaging and other methods. Education of teachers and peers on how to help those in danger is another key strategy.  Treatment through therapy and/or medication can also be effective.

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© 2016 For the Love of Travis, Inc.



For the Love of Travis, Inc.

3298 Jagged Spire Ct

Prescott, AZ 86301

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